Tag: santos

  • Koran Tempo – Jangan Hambat Kasus Lapindo

    Bukan tanpa alasan jika khalayak menilai pemerintah tak serius menangani kasus lumpur Lapindo. Sudah dua tahun lebih kasus semburan lumpur di Sidoarjo ini diusut oleh penegak hukum, tapi hingga kini belum tuntas. Padahal masalah ini amat penting lantaran menyangkut hajat hidup orang banyak, dan negara pun terpaksa ikut menanggung akibatnya.Sikap penegak hukum di Jawa Timur…

  • AAPG Day 2: showdown at the Lusi corral

    Blog yang menarik yang ditulis oleh salah seorang peserta yang hadir dalam konferensi AAPG di Afrika Selatan, yang menyimpulkan bahwa pengeboran Lapindo penyebab semburan lumpur.[Redaksi]The afternoon of my second day at AAPG was spent at the session debating the origins of the Lusi mud volcano, which has been the subject of a number of blog…

  • Tidak Mungkin, Gempa Yogya —> bikin mud volcano di Porong ?

    Dari : http://hotmudflow.wordpress.com/2006/07/05/gempa-yogya-bikin-mud-volcano-di-porong/  Assalamu’alaykum Saat nulis ini, volume mud volcano Porong sudah eningkat dari 5.000 meter kubik perhari menjadi 25.000 meter kubik perhari, menurut TV 7, alias lebih esar dari suplai magma Merapi ke puncak yang sekarang ” tinggal ” 15.000 meter kubik per hari.

  • Tidak Mungkin, Gempa Yogya —> bikin mud volcano di Porong ?

    Dari : http://hotmudflow.wordpress.com/2006/07/05/gempa-yogya-bikin-mud-volcano-di-porong/  Assalamu’alaykum Saat nulis ini, volume mud volcano Porong sudah eningkat dari 5.000 meter kubik perhari menjadi 25.000 meter kubik perhari, menurut TV 7, alias lebih esar dari suplai magma Merapi ke puncak yang sekarang ” tinggal ” 15.000 meter kubik per hari.

  • Conclusive Vote on Cause of Indonesian Mud Volcano

    World scientists conclude drilling, not earthquake, was the cause of east Java mud volcano at international debate. Two years’ of global public debate over the possible causes of Lusi has finally concluded.A resounding vote of international petroleum geologists from around the globe, including Durham University geologist Professor Richard Davies, concluded the mud volcano was triggered…

  • TEMPO Interaktif – Pengusutan Hukum Kasus Lapindo Buntu

    "Tanpa itu, hasil konferensi hanya sebagai referensi kita," kata Mulyono, kepala seksi penerangan hukum kejaksaan tinggi, di Surabaya kemarin. SURABAYA – Kejaksaan Tinggi Jawa Timur baru bisa menggunakan hasil konferensi American Association of Petroleum Geologist di Cape Town, Afrika Selatan, pada 27-29 Oktober, sebagai bahan menyelesaikan perkara hukum kasus semburan lumpur PT Lapindo Brantas di…

  • KOMPAS – Geolog Dunia Yakin Lumpur Tak Dipicu Gempa

    Jumat, 31 Oktober 2008 | 01:08 WIB Jakarta, Kompas – Gempa Yogyakarta, dua hari sebelum semburan lumpur panas di Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, diyakini geolog dan ahli pemboran minyak dunia bukan sebagai pemicu semburan. Mayoritas geolog dan ahli pemboran setuju semburan lumpur dipicu aktivitas pemboran di Sumur Banjar Panji-1. Pemungutan suara terjadi dalam diskusi ”Lusi…

  • Geologists Blame Gas Drilling for Indonesia Mud Disaster

    A meeting of leading geologists has concluded that an Indonesian mud volcano which erupted in May 2006, triggering a social and environmental disaster, was caused by nearby drilling for gas, a British university said on Thursday. The volcano, named Lusi, has swamped 12 villages and displaced around 30,000 people and continues to spew boiling mud…

  • ANTARA – Kaukus DPR Desak Pemerintah Selesaikan Masalah Lapindo

    Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Sejumlah anggota DPR yang tergabung dalam Kaukus Anggota DPR dari Dapil Jawa Timur I ( Surabaya dan Sidoarjo) mendesak pemerintah agar empat desa yang belum masuk dalam peta terdampak lumpur Lapindo segera masuk dalam anggaran APBN 2009. Salah seorang juru bicara kaukus itu, Suripto, kepada pers di ruang wartawan DPR Jakarta,…

  • ANTARA – Semburan Lumpur Sidoarjo Diperkirakan Berlangsung 140 Tahunasus Lapindo Butuh Advokasi Internasional

    Jakarta (ANTARA News) – Semburan lumpur panas di Sidoarjo diprediksi sebagai proses pembentukan gunung lumpur (mud volcano) yang bisa berlangsung hingga 140 tahun. "Lumpur Sidoarjo akan menjadi ‘natural event’ yang bisa berlangsung 6-140 tahun, namun perkiraan yang baik adalah 32 tahun," jelas Prof. Richard Swarbrick dari Geopressure Technology Ltd Science Labs, Durham, Inggris, saat berbicara…

  • Mud Victims Spooked by Own Ghost Towns

    Hundreds of houses in three villages were inundated with mud in Sidoardjo in February, and thousands of people were displaced from their homes, forcing them to live in makeshift tents erected along an abandoned toll road. While the sturdier structures in the three villages — Besuki, Kedung Cangkring and Renokenongo — were left inundated with…

  • Victims Refuse to Sell Muddy Land to Lapindo

    Some 69 families in the East Java villages of Jatirejo, Siring and Renokenongo are standing their ground, refusing to sell their land as part of the compensation plan proposed by the energy company being held responsible for the mudflow disaster. “If we accept the proposal the company is offering, it will amount to turning our…

  • Indonesia’s One-Man Wrecking Crew

    Friday, 10 October 2008, written by Our Correspondent The Jakarta Stock Exchange remains closed after Bakrie Group companies are suspended from trading amid allegations of irregularities Indonesia’s billionaire Chief Welfare Minister Aburizal Bakrie, whose companies are already being held responsible for the biggest man-made environmental disaster in Indonesian history, is now in trouble for playing…

  • Jakarta Post Editorial: The Burning Seat

    Finance Minister Sri Mulyani has been sitting in the hot seat for some time now, and now her seat has now gone from hot to burning since businesspeople and politicians with vested interests have been making attempts to unseat her. We earnestly hope she will survive this saga. The imbroglio, we suspect, is related to…

  • Santos Stuck in Mudflow Controversy

    SIDOARJO, INDONESIA– Santos is facing a blowout in the clean-up bill from the world’s largest mud volcano in East Java, as a new report funded by the Australian government concludes the disaster cannot be contained. The study, which was conducted by the United Nations Environment Program and AusAid and is yet to be made public, says…

  • Santos Denies Poor Attitude Over Mud Mountain

    Australian oil and gas giant Santos has denied playing down the seriousness of a mud mountain, which it allegedly helped to create. The company, responding to a report on the unstoppable mudflow that was caused by a gas drilling incident in Indonesia in 2006, said it rejected suggestions that it has understated the severity of…

  • Santos Denies Playing Down Indonesia Mud Volcano Disaster

    SYDNEY (AFP) — Australian oil and gas giant Santos on Monday denied downplaying the seriousness of the disaster caused by the world’s largest “mud volcano” in Indonesia. The company was responding to a report that said it faced a ten-fold blowout of the clean-up bill from the unstoppable mudflow that was caused by a gas…

  • Santos Responds to Sidoarjo Mudflow Incident Report

    Santos has been supporting the efforts of the Agency and Lapindo and continues to believe that a resolution may ultimately be reached between all relevant parties.

  • Santos Defends $US79M For Indonesian Clean-up

    Santos’ share of the clean-up costs for the disaster could run as high as $830 million.

  • Santos says has provisions for clean-up bill

    Santos: The only way to mitigate the disaster was to transport the mud 14 kilometres to the ocean.

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